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Lun - Vie 09:00-18:00
EC1396 - Introducción

Introducción a la investigación genealógica (en Línea)

Certificacion de Genealogistas > Cursos Requeridos > Introducción a la investigación genealógica (en Línea)

Esta Introducción  presenta las funciones elementales que una persona debe saber hacer respecto a la función de realizar investigación genealógica para la elaboración de árboles genealógicos y de historia familiar, la cual consta en determinar los requerimientos para la investigación genealógica y de historia familiar, planificar la investigación, documentar la información genealógica y presentar los resultados de la investigación. También establece los conocimientos básicos con los que se debe de contar para realizar un trabajo, así como las actitudes relevantes en su desempeño.
El presente EC se fundamenta en criterios rectores de legalidad, competitividad, libre acceso, respeto, trabajo digno y responsabilidad social.

Course ID
EC1396- Introducción
En Línea, Presencial Monterrey, Presencial Salt Lake City

Genealogía (del latín genealogia, genea > del griego genos, raza, nacimiento, descendencia, + -logia > del griego logos, ciencia, estudio) es el estudio y seguimiento de la ascendencia y descendencia de una persona o familia. También se llama así al documento que registra dicho estudio, generalmente expresado como árbol genealógico. La genealogía es una de las Ciencias Auxiliares de la Historia. Trata sobre el estudio de los descendientes de familias y personas de un antepasado o antepasados.

Proveída por la Sociedad Genealógica y de Historia Familiar de México, el programa está disponible en nuestro Sistema a Distancia (en Línea) permitiendote balancear tus actividades diarias.

Profundizaras tus conocimientos. Y estarás en camino a certificarte.

  • Elementos fundamentales de la Investigación Genealógica
  • Preparar la investigación genealógica y de historia familiar.
  • Planificar la investigación genealógica y de historia familiar.
  • Recabar la información genealógica y de historia familiar.
  • Presentar los resultados de la investigación genealógica y de historia familiar.

The programme aims to promote an understanding of the principles of legislative and an awareness of what constitutes legislative quality, how this can be achieved.

Legislative drafting is often perceived as a skill that one learns on the job.
Legislative drafting has evolved to become the bedrock of political, economic and social transformation. The view of the Institute’s Sir William Doe Centre for Legislative Studies is that legislative drafting is a practical discipline requiring awareness of the principles of drafting along with great experience on the job. It is still, however, relatively unexplored as a discipline. The PLP examines issues related to the policy process, the legislative process and the drafting process.

The PLP is aimed at those seeking a career in legislative drafting, those already working as drafters or those who want a career in or already working for, organizations that produce different types of normative acts. Many of our students are mid-career drafters employed by government (for example, by LG Chambers, the Ministry of Justice or any other ministries).

Entry requirements

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

Course structure and modules

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

How you study

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

Career opportunities

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance